Blog / Atlassian Summit

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Product highlights: Atlassian Summit 2017

This year’s Summit was marked by a lot of changes and Atlassian focused on the concept of teamwork with the new updates and releases. If you weren’t able to attend the event or watch it live on your computer, let us share some of the major ones right here. What stood out? Easy communication between … Continued

Atlassian Summit: Thank you for visiting our Booth

It has been only one week and we already miss it. The Atlassian Summit was a blast, with 2 days of great sessions, keynotes, party and fun. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Thank you for visiting our Booth and spending some time with us. The Summit is all about meeting … Continued

Atlassian Events 2017: Which one to attend?

The year is full of events, but we love the Atlassian ones. It perfectly combines knowledge, “out-of-the-box” and fun. We had the pleasure to attend some events, and there’s more to come. Let’s see what has been happening this year. As an Atlassian Platinum partner, we like to be on top of our game. We … Continued

Farewell Barcelona! See you in San Jose…

Yes, Barcelona was great! What an Atlassian Summit, with major news from Atlassian in all areas, an interested crowd during the event and we had a blast with a team being what knows best: Excel its boundaries every single day!   To sum up, this was our feeling of Atlassian Summit in Barcelona during the … Continued

Barcelona here we go!

Could you imagine an Atlassian Summit without us? Of course not! Xray and Xporter teams will be at the first European Atlassian Summit, in Barcelona, during May 2nd and 3rd to give you a complete update of all new incredible features and developments we’ve been working on. Also, you’ll have the chance to mingle with our gurus … Continued