Blog / Xporter Releases


When Xporter meets Xray

One of Xporter for JIRA major assets is to listen to our client’s needs and requests, as well as how other add-ons are evolving. When Xray for JIRA 2.2 came out, we started working to leverage those features on Xporter.


Why reviewing the Report Templates?

Xporter Template for Xray Test Report

Xray 2.2 brought the opportunity to work more intuitively to define and create Test Plans. But after having the Test Plan, how do you report it? And most important, how do you relate information and data between Test Plans, Test Executions, and Test Results?  Well, you need a Xporter Template.

With this in mind, the Xporter for JIRA team delivered new templates and reviewed the existing Test Executions and Test Reporting templates.


New Xporter Templates for all

Focusing in Xray for JIRA 2.2, we decided to create two new reporting templates:

  • Xray Test Plan Basic With Cover Page
  • Xray Test Plan Advanced With Cover Page

These templates provide a way to see a Test Plan data. You can see the Test Run details, Test Steps details, attachments, evidences, and defects.



A Refresh in Previous Templates

Also, we took the chance to update some of the Xray for JIRA reporting blockbusters.

  • Xray Test Exec Basic With Cover Page
  • Xray Test Exec Advanced With Cover Page
  • Xray Test Report


You can find all these reports in our Xporter Template Store.

Enjoy the new templates. Suggestions are more than welcome, give us your feedback here.




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