We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of Xporter v5.7, which brings several new features, improvements and bug fixes that will address some of the needs reported by our customers.

Highlights of Xporter v5.7 includes:

  • Template info into documents
  • Final document name on single and bulk exports
    • Single Export Panel
    • Bulk/Xporter Reports
  • Xporter Audit log
  • Template description on bulk export screen
  • Better Jira Service Desk integration
  • Improved Bulk Export, Xporter Reports and Structure screens
  • Faster Xray integration
  • Improved integration with Tempo Timesheets
  • General improvements and bug fixes


Template Info into documents

Now, you can get metadata from Templates printed on your documents. See a sample template and the final document below:


Final document name on single and bulk exports

This new feature allows you to customize the name of your exports.

Single Export Panel

Bulk/Xporter Reports


Xporter Audit log

A new Audit Log page was added to the administration menu to enable admins to check every Xporter Activity regarding document generation.


Template description on bulk export screen

You now have access to the template description when exporting by bulk.


Better Jira Service Desk integration

This release allows you to export more information regarding SLA data.

The SLA notation is:

${<SLA custom field>.<Field>}


SLA fields Description
elapsedTime Returns the total time the SLA has been running
startTime Returns the date when the SLA started
stopTime Returns the date when the SLA stopped
goalDuration Returns the date with the SLA duration
breached Returns a boolean if the SLA is breached
paused Returns a boolean if the SLA is paused
withinCalendarHours Returns a boolean if the SLA is within calendar hours


Improved Bulk Export, Xporter Reports and Structure screens

There is now a button to download the generated document, instead of a link inside of the success message.
It looks like this:


Faster Xray integration

You have reported some performance issues regarding to Xray integration. Changes were implemented to improve Xporter performance when large amounts of data are loaded from Jira and Xray.
Also, some changes were done regarding to Test Set Status, Text Execution Overall Execution Status and Test Plan Overall Execution Status. We highly recommend that you to review our documentation on Xray integration.


Improved integration with Tempo Timesheets

As you know, Tempo Timesheets have custom fields (for example, as Account field or an Overtime field) to log work.
These have multiple types of work attributes such like input fields, drop-down lists and checkbox. Xporter now allows you to export each attribute you have defined on your work log entry.
There will be a pop-up where you will be able to add the work log and the defined attributes.

Then, a new template will be added to define which attributes you want to get on the report:

The expected result will have all the information defined in the log work registry.

This new level of integration between Xporter and Tempo gives you more information and allows you to customize reports according to their needs.


General improvements and bug fixes

Routine improvements were implemented, and minor bugs were solved.


Learn More

For the complete list of new features being addressed by Xporter v5.7, please check out our Jira project here.

We hope you enjoy this latest and greatest version of Xporter!


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